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Journeys Inward Hypnosis

Claustrophobia - Hypnotherapy MP3


Claustrophobia - Hypnotherapy MP3


Product Description

Produced by Journeys Inward                     Voice Artist: Asheida

Fear of confinement does not have to be an issue in your life.

Claustrophobia is a common fear of being confined, usually in a small space like an elevator, a small room or a maybe a train or airplane. Though usually associated with small spaces, claustrophobia can also be experienced in open spaces. It is really a fear of having no way to escape, which is rooted in a fear of not being in control.

The first step to overcoming claustrophobia is to learn how the fear response works. The fear that you feel in your body is triggered by something, and when you can detach the response from the trigger, you can begin to do the things you once feared. In the case of claustrophobia, once you can de-activate the fear response, you will be able to ride an elevator or travel in a train without feeling anxious. The trick is to begin to associate the experiences that used to cause you to feel anxious and stressed with positive feelings of relaxation. That way you will be able to get where you want to go without feeling like you will be trapped somewhere with no way escape. Instead, you will be able to imagine the positive experience that awaits you.

Hypnosis can take you through the steps of stopping the fear response before it stops you. You will build a trust in experiences because you will begin to realize that you already have all the tools you need to survive being in a place that once filled you with fear and seemed to confine you.

This Self Hypnosis MP3 will

  • Help you imagine how it will feel to overcome claustrophobia.
  • Teach you how to put yourself in a state of deep relaxation whenever you feel confined.
  • Give you the tools to disconnect from the fear response that is triggered by claustrophobia.

Download this Hypnosis MP3 and never feel closed in again!

If you would like to hear a sample of this Hypnotherapy MP3 please use the player below. Please note the hypnotic background music on the MP3 you download may be different than the sample. Each MP3 is unique.


Asheida Voice Sample by JourneysInward
Background music provided by: Silencio Music, Christopher Lloyd & Royalty Free Music

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